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Waters DataConnect application is a software product that converts Waters LC-MS data into standard output formats.

It currently supports the following conversions:

- MassLynx MSE data to mzML

- MassLynx DDA data to mzML

- MassLynx HD-DDA data to mzML (ToF data only)

Converted data has:

- Can optionally be centroid

- Has Lockmass* corrected mass spectra

- Has Lockmass* corrected precursor masses

- Has Quadrupole Isolation Window* range information

- Has Lockmass spectra removed from the mzML output

- Contiguous DDA MSMS spectra within the same function and having the same SetMass merged

(* requires user to enter required parameters)

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The DataConnect application supports export of existing data as well as integrating with MassLynx to create an automatic acquire and convert workflow. The supplied DataConnect application is used to control MassLynx integration, trigger the export of existing data and monitor the progress of queued conversions.
